Broc Feeney Latest News Sydney Will Brown

Sydney Motorsport Park to play host to its own Running of the Bulls

Like it’s almost meant to be, Sydney is about to face its own Running of The Bulls, as our very own look to stampede into New South Wales this weekend!

And while it most certainly isn’t Pamplona – Spain, the Bulls have some serious redemption on their mind, and we have a strong feeling you wouldn’t want to be in their way this weekend!

Townsville certainly left the Bulls wounded and stunned, but the quick turnaround is something BFeen – who strung together a consistent pair of 7th-place finishes in Townsville – is excited for.

“I’m looking forward to getting back to Sydney. Townsville wasn’t the best round for us, but the short break is exciting. I wish we could do this more often because you have to nearly forget about the last round pretty quick and move on to prep for Sydney” BFeen said.

BFeen reckons although his personal SMP experience is not quite like his competitors, the Bulls could be uncorking some speed, and wicked racing underneath the bright lights.

“Last year was a bit up and down, but Shane (van Gisbergen) ended up winning so I feel like we’ve got some good car speed down there. I suppose everyone spent so many races at Sydney a couple of years back.”

“There are so many different things you can do in the race and being such a high-degradation track, it normally promotes pretty good racing, so I’m looking forward to it.”

On the other side of the garage, Bull #87 and current Championship Leader Will Brown was left a little more bruised than his teammate. However, Will is confident he can put Townsville in the rear-view mirror.

“We didn’t have the best weekend at Townsville, but I haven’t let that get me down and I’ve got full focus ahead for the rest of the championship. “I’m really confident heading into Sydney, I got my first race win there, and had success there over the years, but we’ve got to bounce back after Townsville.”

Although the red rags could be waving for the Bulls after a dramatic weekend in Far North Queensland, Will knows Sydney requires its focus.

“It’s got pretty high tyre degradation, which I think we’ve been managing very well this year.”

“We have to continue our consistency, as that has been the reason for our championship lead. Hopefully, this week we can bounce back, get some really good results and keep that consistency going.”

We hope to see as many of you as possible this weekend with a 90-minute practice session kicking off the weekend running at 5 pm on Friday!

A warning, however, to stay in the shadows because the moment the lights turn on, these Bulls are breaking loose, and we aren’t chasing them down!

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