Scott Pye Broc Feeney Jamie Whincup Latest News Sandown Will Brown

Bulls give a glimpse at potential Sandown pace on Friday

Sandown 500 – Practice 1, 2 & 3 Results

Will Brown/Scott Pye – Car #87 
Practice 1 – Ninth (1:09.2540)
Practice 2 (co-drivers only) – First (1:08.8398)
Practice 3 – Third (1:08.3166)

“Today was really good, a good day working on the race pace and then doing a bit of a qualifying simulation at the end there. I was unlucky to not get P1 at the end of Practice 3 there, because we joked that if I didn’t go P1, they’re going to put Scott in for the rest of the year. So it looks like he might have a call-up, but still a great day. The car was good. I did two really good laps in the last practice there and ended up P2.  The biggest thing you want to do is get in the shootout and then do a really tidy lap there. But you know, the enduro races always seem to throw something at you and it looks like there’s rain coming tomorrow, so that’ll be interesting. I think we’re in a really good spot so far.”

“I had a great day from a pace perspective and just general enjoyment. I got some laps in the first session, which was good to get my own. And then the co-driver session was good. I was able to get a race run under my belt again and see what the tyre was going to be like at the end of a stint and chucked on a good set of tyres and was able to put together a tidy lap and top the session (Practice Two). So overall, great to get a run on the used tire and start to feel what it’s going be like come Sunday on a similar fuel load as well. And for the boys to be kind enough to give me a good set of tyres at the end was much appreciated.”

Broc Feeney/Jamie Whincup – Car #88
Practice 1 – 17th (1:09.5776)
Practice 2 (co-drivers only) – Sixth (1:08.9447)
Practice 3 – Fifth (1:08.4453)

“We stuck to our plan today, which was good because it didn’t look pretty at the start of the day. I think overall, it’s ended well. We were probably missing a little bit for the first two sessions, but I think how we structured our practices meant that was going to be the case. I only got one run this morning, but felt super comfortable this afternoon, so really happy with where we’re at. I just struggled a bit on that green run there at the end. We’ve got a bit of work to do with our green tyre running, but apart from that I’m really happy. JDub got some laps in today, so we’ll try and get some more for him tomorrow and, see what the weather brings.”

“I just didn’t get it together today, couldn’t get much of a rhythm all day. I’ve got some work to do overnight. Broc’s giving me the end-of-day rides which gives me a few more laps to try to find a bit of a rhythm, but I’m a rusty sheriff’s badge at the moment. It’s probably going to rain tomorrow, so it’ll be nice to run around on the new wet tires. So, if it does rain, it’d be great to get some laps on that. I just need to go out and find a rhythm tomorrow.”

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