Scott Pye Broc Feeney Jamie Whincup Latest News Sandown Will Brown

Red Bull Ampol Racing claim a historic 1-2 finish at Sandown

Sandown 500 – Warm Up & Race 19 Results

Will Brown/Scott Pye – Car #87 
Warm Up – Ninth (1:09.0150)
Race 19 – First

Drivers’ Championship Standings – First (2280 points)

“Yeah, it was awesome. Stoked to get the win. It’s so cool. First, endurance round win, first Sandown 500 win. Absolutely stoked and cool to do it in my first year with Red Bull Ampol Racing. Yeah, it was exciting. There was so much going on. We were to-ing and froing throughout the race. Broc got in front of us, we got in front of him, he got in front of us, so it was a lot going on. We were pretty much racing each other, the whole race. I’m just stoked to do it. So pumped for everyone at the team to get a one, two it’s really exciting.

“Unbelievable. My whole objective for this year is to put myself in a position where I’d have an opportunity for success in Red Bull Ampol Racing. I’ll take that every day of the week. There’s no guarantee in motorsport, but this team is the best in pit lane. I’m just so grateful to be a part of it now and to tick that off the list straight away is huge. Very, very happy. And to have family here with me today as well is very special. I’m stoked for Will as well he worked, he worked so hard last year to put himself here and in the best team down pit lane, and now he’s rewarding them with success too. All in all, an amazing day. The car speed was great. Just my stint felt like we were running to a number and looking after the tyre, and then it was up to Will and Broc to turn and burn at the end there.”

Broc Feeney/Jamie Whincup – Car #88
Warm Up – Fifth (1:08.9295)
Race 19 –  Second

Drivers’ Championship Standings – Third (2058 points)

Teams Championship Standings – First (4308 points)

“I’m pumped for the team. A one, two and a fifth is unreal, so great for everyone. Will and Scotty did a great job all day. We certainly had the pace. It was pretty close at the end; I gave my everything. Would’ve preferred to be up on the top step, but we’ve got to hold our heads high. What we did today, I don’t think we could have done a whole lot more. Just ready to go for Bathurst. It was a really good effort as a team, not only us but Supercheap Auto Racing as well. Still another 300 points at Bathurst and a lot more for the rest of the year. So, still plenty to play for, we’ll just be going to Bathurst and trying to win that. I’m not too worried about the championship at Bathurst. You have to go all out for a win and see what happens.”

“It’s a first, second, and fifth really because as a Managing Director, I couldn’t be happier. It was heart-in-the-mouth sort of stuff at the end there. I’ve got two hats. Obviously, we got the best for Brock and Marty (Short), but at the same time, it was critical that we secured the one-two finish. It’s these results – getting a one-two in a race like this, it’s absolutely a result of everyone having the same goal in mind. We all just want to make both cars as fast as possible. Our teamwork is second to none and we all work together, to achieve results like that. And it’s a result that the whole of pit lane wants for their team, and we’re the only ones that can go home with it this weekend. So, of course, I couldn’t be happier. We just need to make sure we keep our heads down build on what we’ve done this weekend and make sure we come home strong in the last three races this year.”

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